[This a polyphoto of me aged 17. Polyphotos were sheets of 48 pictures taken as you moved and talked naturally (you hoped), and enlargements could be ordered of any of them.]
At the end of the war, people returning from serving in the armed forces had priority for places at universities, to enable them to make up for time lost during the war. I therefore had to do something else for a year, and I was found a place at a residential secretarial college in Hampstead. This was a good decision in the long run. I studied shorthand, typing and business studies for a couple of terms, and graduated with modest speeds of 100 wpm in shorthand and I think 60 wpm in typing. This was quite enough to get me a job.

But such drawbacks were as nothing set against the magical discovery of the London theatres. In those days - I don't know if it still continues - you could go early in the morning to the theatre of your choice, and buy a ticket which would give you a place in the evening in the queue for 'the gods'. These were the highest areas of a theatre such as the balconies - probably still are - and were generally the cheapest seats. I couldn't tell you for certain now how much we paid, but I think it might have been only one shilling (5p).

[This is the cover of Theatre World for December 1945. Judging by Sir Laurence's dark brooding look, I think this must have been taken in his Oedipus role!]
I returned to my family home in Worcestershire, and was able to get job at Ronkswood Hospital in Worcester as a medical secretary. The Hospital had, I understand, been built during the war as a temporary hospital, and was used to treat wounded service personnel. This was still the case when I worked there, following doctors on their ward rounds and making notes of their comments. How I managed to cope with the medical terms I do not know, as they had certainly not been covered in my secretarial training. The hospital was still in use as a civilian hospital in the year 2000, I believe, but has since been raised to the ground, apart from a building which still carries communications antennae. I think I worked there for only about four months, as plans were already being made for me for the next academic year.

[Picture copyrighted by Richard Dunn. For conditions of reuse go here.]
1 comment:
Dear Muriel,
Thankyou for your interest in my blog, however I do not believe I can help you. I have no memories beyond the rather vague ones I have described in my post "Postwar - gap year", and no recollection at all of getting Margaret Leighton's autograph. I only know that I did so because I have it still. So sorry, and good luck with your biography.
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